Thursday, 1 April 2010

Project evaluation

View this post in full screen to see the entire width of the slide show. Project Evaluation
View more presentations from mattnmat.

Here is my project evaluation. Unfortunately, I had to simplify it to work on online hosting sites.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Field Trip final edit

Here is the final edit for our movie opening. When filming, we used one camera and a shot-gun mic which we took in turns to use. So when I was recording sound Matt was filming and when I was filming, Matt was recording sound. In the actual piece, I had to be a dead body, laying on the floor. It was quite easy to pretend to be dead, but with Tayo laying with his legs over me and kicking around, it was quite uncomfortable.

During editing, Matt and I took it in turns, with me doing editing on things like transitions, titles and sound.

Double click on the video to watch it on YouTube. This will allow you to view in full screen and see the full width of the video

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Shot List

I created an initial shot list and put it on the blog. The shot list contains simple information on what features will be required in each shot of our opening. For example, camera angles, equipment and props.

Shot List


In our opening, we only need two props. We need fake blood and a dummy to hang from a tree. After some discussion, we decided to use corn syrup and red food colouring to create a realistic looking blood. For creating the look of a man hanging from a tree, I suggested we use a dummy; however, Matt had another idea for how to create the look. After some discussion, we decided to use a Guy Fawkes style dummy using old clothes, stuffed with newpaper. The dummy won't have to be detailed as it will be silhoutted by the night.


When thinking of what costumes which will use in our piece, both Matt and I contributed. I thought that Tayo should wear a lightly coloured hoody with a pair of jeans. He should also wear lightly coloured shoes. We think he should wear lightly coloured clothing because our opening is going to be set at night and Tayo should be quite clearly visible.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Casting and Auditions

Both Matt and I found the auditionees and auditioned them, however we made different contributions before and after auditioning. I made the blog post and created the character profile for the sort of person we wanted to play the role. In the blog post, I wrote about our chosen actor and why. The character pofile is about the desired traits of the person we want to act in our film and what they will have to wear etc.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Similar Media Works

To research similiar media works, we created a powerpoint, which we took in turns to create slides for. To indicate which slides we made, we put our names in the bottom right corner of the slides we made. I made half of the slides and matt made the other half.

By creating this powerpoint, we have found out important factors of horror, and have gained an insite into the target audiences of horror. By finding these things out, we have a strong idea of what we need to include in our horror film aswell as the kind of audiences we want to target our film towards.

Target Audience Profile

Although I didn't contribute much to the creation of the target audience profile, I did discuss with Matt about what age group and gender would specifically enjoy our film.

Initial Ideas

Before coming up with a final idea for our film, we needed initial. In order to come up with some initial ideas, we made a mind map of the sort of things we could include in our horror film. After creating the mind map, we both talked about our thoughts on how we could use our ideas.

My idea was to have a man sitting in a house when he had a powercut. After the power went off, a bright light could be seen coming from outside. When the man went out to investigate the light, something followed him, eventually chasing him into his home where the audience hears a large scream as the screen cuts to black.

After some discussion, Matt and I combined our ideas together, and added in some extra ideas to come up with our final idea.